Using Statcounter

View Google Ads Keywords in Statcounter

So you already know statcounter is a powerful too to combat click fraud. You know how to use filters to zoom in on your paid traffic, but you don't know how to view your Google Ads keywords from your statcounter reports. This is because by default Google Ads will not send the keyword data. This article is a step by step guide to start getting keyword data like you see here:

Please note you will need to modify your landing page URL which will require your ads to be reviewed by Google again. Your ads will stop showing during this review. Do not perform this during a busy period for your ads on Google. The review typically takes less than 30 minute but it depends on your account and Google.

Let's Get Started

  1. Log in to Google Ads.
  2. Click "All Campaigns"
  3. Click "Settings"
  4. Click "Account Settings"
  5. Click "Tracking"
  6. In the Final URL suffix box enter:
  7. Click "Save"

Your ads will now be placed in review, as soon as Google reviews them, your Google Ads keywords will start showing up in your statcounter reports.

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  • Posted on Feb 21 2024 at 12:54 by Papeo
    Hello, on my website, is it possible to enable the realtime visitor ?
    • Posted on Feb 23 2024 at 14:42 by jonathanmorton
      Hi, yes if you go to Visitor Activity in Statcounter, with Live Update switched on, you will see visitor sessions appear as your visitors land on your site in real time.
  • Posted on May 18 2023 at 17:22 by x
    where can I see the price of this service?
  • Posted on Jan 12 2023 at 12:13 by PapagayoFishing
    Thanks, I just did it and would like to see my Google ads in StatCounter; let's see what's next!
  • Posted on Jan 11 2023 at 18:57 by Rey
    no puedo hacer este proceso en mi cuanta de ads porque dice platilla no valida
  • Posted on Sep 24 2022 at 11:43 by gurcantet
    Yeah, thank you..
  • Posted on Jul 28 2022 at 06:39 by Bhavya Kothari
    What will be displayed?
    1. User Search term will be displayed
    2. Keyword on which ads are triggered are displayed
    • Posted on Jul 28 2022 at 08:30 by jonathanmorton
      The keywords on which the ads are triggered will be displayed in Statcounter.

      You can see the user search terms in an aggregate report in google ads.
  • Posted on Jun 25 2022 at 12:25 by haandklaedetoerrer
    Already added but some keywords are still not shown in stats.
  • Posted on Apr 20 2022 at 04:28 by ARPT
    Already added but some keywords are still not shown in stats.
  • Posted on Mar 22 2022 at 14:59 by torreon1
    no puedo hacer este proceso en mi cuanta de ads porque dice platilla no valida
  • Posted on Dec 3 2020 at 12:53 by mirandolo
    Great! Thank you for your support.

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